Restaurant design needs to remain flexible and open to every approach clients want to take in building their business. But this is an opportunity for the designer to become a catalyst and generate exciting ideas. In most cases, restaurant designs are geared towards operational preference or the cultural feel they want to achieve. Still, more importantly, they make people feel intrigued by the uniqueness and beauty of the design wherever they are.
The design of a restaurant and everything related to it not only helps to create a certain mood.
have a specific plan that adequately addresses all the important aspects of your restaurant design to succeed in this highly competitive industry. Another important design consideration for your restaurant that you may want to consider early on is comfort and practicality, which affects almost every aspect of owning a restaurant business. While you will want to optimize the available space to accommodate as many people as possible to optimize your sales, you certainly don’t want guests to sit on each other.
The flow of traffic is another part of restaurant design that you want to pay attention to, given the inevitable and frequent times of cross traffic. Creating “corridors” for employees to comfortably do their jobs is essential to keeping your customers happy, well served, and coming back for more.
Your restaurant design plans should also include specific ways to address the problem of keeping the food preparation area out of the view of diners. When the kitchen areas are too close or in any way separated from the dining area, it is an intrusion into the customers, making it difficult for people to communicate due to the noise of the waiters preparing the food.
In truth, almost every restaurant, regardless of size or type, will have at least one problem area in the form of “bad tables” or ones that diners would prefer not to sit at, such as near the toilets in front of the entrance or exit to the kitchen.
An excellent comprehensive restaurant design plan already addresses these issues. It includes techniques to mask or camouflage problem areas, such as using permanent or movable partitions and adding tall screens or plants. An efficient cooling, heating, and ventilation system is another aspect of restaurant design you need to consider, and it’s an area where you don’t want to compromise.
A commercial kitchen will give off a lot of smoke and odors that customers don’t want to be exposed to, so proper ventilation is essential. Equally important are heating and cooling issues affecting your customers’ comfort levels and bottom line.
Other vital restaurant design issues that you should become familiar with include lighting, furniture and fixtures, and overall aesthetic appeal inside and out, all of which will go a long way in increasing your chances of success.