It has been a long held belief among Delta 8 customers that this product is of the top quality. This article shares some information about a study the Top quality Delta 8 products that were involved in, testing their CBD products for purity.
Quality is one of the most important factors when it comes to purchasing a product. If you are purchasing something online, quality should always be at the forefront of your mind, as you don’t know what you are going to get until it arrives at your doorstep. One place where quality must not be overlooked is with CBD oil products because they have such profound implications on one’s life and well-being.
Delta8 Lab Results
As any CBD customer will tell you, it is very important to know precisely what you are getting when you purchase a product. With the industry being unregulated, this can be difficult to determine. However, Delta8 has put their money where their mouth is and purchased lab testing equipment so they could run tests on their own products in order to prove to the world that they are selling nothing but pure quality.
Lab Testing – The Why
The biggest reason why Delta 8 decided to purchase lab testing equipment was because they want complete transparency with their customers when it comes down to the purity and potency of every single one of their products. They want to let customers know about the testing that is going to be done on a particular batch of CBD oil, and why it is needed. They also want each and every customer to understand what the report from the lab entails.
Lab Testing – The How
Once a batch of CBD oil is ready for testing, it is sent off to a lab for analysis. The sample that is sent to the lab consists of five grams of distilled water mixed with one gram of CBD hemp oil from the product in question. After this mixture has been made, it then goes through several processes where it becomes homogenized and mixed using high-end machinery.
The Results
The results of the lab testing can be found in a test report which is completed by a licensed lab tech. The results of this report are going to provide you with exactly how pure and potent your product is. A huge part of this testing process involves using a chromatograph which measures absorbance as well as mass spectrometry. These tests help determine the level of purity of each cannabinoid necessary to be prescribed for each individual patient, as well as any other contaminants in the product that may possibly break down it’s efficacy or effectiveness.