Now, you have heard the term before, but how much would you know about anxiety? It is a mental health condition and how it affects people? Understanding the condition has several benefits:
- Helps reduce fear
- Misunderstanding of mental illness
- Empowers everyone with knowledge on how to care for mental health
You must read about some of the more common conditions of anxiety. Life Supports Counselling for Anxiety, which helps control and manage this mental health condition with a psychologist.
Anxiety problem explained!
Anxiety is a common emotion dealing with daily problems and stresses. But, when these emotions are excessive, persistent, and irritating, it affects the person’s ability to function. Anxiety becomes a disorder. Anxiety disorders come in different types, including:
- Phobias
- Panic
- Stress Disorders
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Here are the symptoms of anxiety:
- Apprehension
- Confusion
- On edge
- Sense of helplessness
- Repeated negative thoughts
- Muscle tension
- Palpitations
- Difficulty breathing
Treatment and assistance
There are simple strategies, such as regular exercise and relaxation techniques. The treatment is effective in contributing to emotional well-being and reducing anxiety. Psychotherapy helps and is sometimes used together with medication to eliminate and reduce signs and symptoms.
Signs of regular anxiety
Do you wonder why you are startled before an exam? Or why are your plans sweaty before a job interview? These are anxious feelings, the natural way for the body to prepare for an essential event. You might have noticed how you started calming down once the situation is underway. You started to breathe easier, and the heart stopped beating.
Such anxiety helps one perform better as it makes one more alert. But, some people experienced anxiety attacks for no evident reason. When you find it hard to control worries and these consistent feelings of anxiety affect the ability to go for daily activities, it might be a case of anxiety disorder.
Regular anxiety versus anxiety disorder
Regular anxiety and anxiety disorder have a difference. Here is a quick checklist to use if anxiety is a disorder.
- Regular anxiety. It is worrying about job interviews, bills, tests, or some important events. The feeling of butterflies in the stomach before a meeting or public performance is regular anxiety. Fear of a dangerous object, a stray dog barking, or a situation or place, sadness, and/or worrying immediately after a traumatic situation.
- Anxiety disorder. Worrying constantly and excessively without apparent reasons makes it difficult to perform daily activities. Having a fear of social or performance-related events, in which a person is exposed to possible scrutiny.
Anxiety counselor
An anxiety counselor is a person who speaks to a patient diagnosed with an anxiety disorder or experiencing some signs and symptoms of anxiety. An anxiety counselor can help identify, manage, and alleviate symptoms.
So, if a person has anxiety, it must not be ignored so that the health condition will not become worse.